Book Review Policy & Rating System

I’m currently interested in review requests. You can email me at or you can use the contact form on my blog.

I prefer to receive physical books because I don’t read many e-books, but I understand this costs money, so I do accept e-books as well.

My favorite genre is NA Fantasy, but I read most genres. I review Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mythology, Dystopian, Contemporary, Romance, Erotica, and Mystery. As for the age range, I read YA, NA, and Adult books. I am willing to consider books that do not fall within these categories though.

My reviews are 100% honest. I try not to have spoilers in my reviews, but sometimes it is just too hard and I want to rant or rave. I do provide spoiler warnings though. I talk about many different aspects of the book when reviewing—writing style, characters, world-building, and many other topics.

As someone who is in the process of writing her own book, I understand everything that goes into writing, editing, and publishing a novel. It is not easy and it takes a lot out of the author. With this in mind, I do try to find the good parts of every book I read, even the ones I really don’t like, and I always try to remain respectful.

I’ll be uploading my reviews here on my blog and on Goodreads!


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