Life Update: April 27, 2020

Man. This is a crazy world we are living in. When the new year rolled around, this is not what I was expecting from 2020. I know everyone is dealing with this in their own way, but I wanted to take a moment today to give everyone a life update for me. I'm not sure... Continue Reading →

2019: My Year in Review

2019 was a crazy year for me, but I love spending a few days towards the end of the year looking back on all the year had to offer. I looked at where I was last year around this time and realized I am a completely different person, in a completely different place. THIS YEAR... Continue Reading →

Guilty Pleasures

I’ve been thinking a lot about what brings me joy. Reading and writing are two things in this life that I truly love. I know several writers who do not enjoy reading and many, many writers who never have time to read. But I can’t imagine not reading. It is just a part of who I... Continue Reading →

Get to Know ME

I've seen a few "Twenty facts about Me" posts going around and decided to do one. So here it goes!  I have been writing since I was 7 years old.  I lived in Japan for 3 years.  I am the youngest of 6 kids.  I love Marvel movies.  I have a weird obsession with Lea... Continue Reading →

Hello America.

Hello America. I guess I should have said this four months ago, but it has been a crazy four months. It has been so weird being back in the United States.  I miss Japan all the time. The culture, the food, the people. In Japan, the streets were cleaner. The people were nicer. There was less crime.... Continue Reading →

Sayonara Okinawa!

  For the last three years, I have been lucky enough to live in Okinawa, Japan, but that chapter of my life is coming to an end. As I was preparing to move, I started reminiscing on all the wonderful memories I have made, and thought about the lessons I have learned. I have met... Continue Reading →

Living in Two Worlds (Or more…)

As a writer, I often find myself living in more than one world at a time. I could be traveling through the forests of Davodor with Hazel, swimming in the Gulf of Mexico with Bex, or hanging out in a speakeasy with Eve. But then there is also the real world to deal with. It... Continue Reading →

Share the Love – Writers Group

I've wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl. I always loved creating my own worlds and would spend my time daydreaming. I would spend days sitting in my treehouse, telling stories to myself. And I never grew out of it. I attempted to write my first novel when I was fifteen.... Continue Reading →

Wizarding Ball!

Last night, I had the chance to attend a Harry Potter Wizarding Ball. I have been a Harry Potter fan since I was a little girl so I was absolutely giddy when I learned about this ball. I counted down the days as I waited. But when the night finally rolled around, three of my... Continue Reading →

Taking Life for What it is…

I am the type of person who is always looking to the future. Always thinking about what coming next. Never enjoying what life has to offer. Never taking advantage of the here and now. Well, I was on the phone with my sister today, who lives in Georgia. Just talking about how boring my life... Continue Reading →

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