Comic Review: Fantastic Four (1961) #13

25808339._SY475_Fantastic Four (1961) #13

More than two hundred thousand miles from Earth, the Fantastic Four face the menace of The Red Ghost! (Synopsis from

Writer: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Illustrator: Steve Ditko

Published: April 10, 1963

Fantastic Four (1961) #13 features one of the evenest fights we’ve seen. The Fantastic four go up against four creatures that are just as powerful, if not more powerful, than them.

The concept of this issue was great! I was really excited when I realized what it was going to be, but I ended up being a little disappointed. It dragged a little in the beginning and then again towards the middle. There was action, but it just didn’t hold my attention the way I wanted it to. It is only a 23-page comic, but I put it down and walked away 3 times! Typically I read comics in one quick sitting.

The Red Ghost accomplished a cool feat, but personality-wise he was exactly like every other villain we have met. I wanted him to stand out in some way. If the other villains had thought of his master plan, they would have done it too.

As for the apes, they were my favorite part of this issue. They were awesome but heartbreaking. My animal lover heart broke at the way they were treated by The Red Ghost.

As for the Fantastic Four, I can see a difference in their dynamic. The teasing between the team is more and more playful with each issue that passes. The Thing was also really worried about Sue. I loved seeing the depth of that relationship. But Sue! She is starting to get on my nerves. That girl just keeps getting kidnapped. You would think that she would have learned by now, but not yet.

This issue wasn’t the worst Fantastic Four issue so far, but it also wasn’t the best.


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