ARC Review: The Strange Ones by Jeremy Jusay

The Strange Ones by Jeremy Jusay is a standalone graphic novel. This review will be spoiler-free. Release Date: January 14, 2020 Filled with visceral and engaging prose, this graphic novella offers a nostalgic look at two young misfits who manage to find belonging and heartbreak in each other’s friendship. Anjeline walks with an open heart, but... Continue Reading →

Comic Review: Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961) #7

Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961) #7 The magazine that respects your intelligence fantastic thrillers for the more mature reader. (Synopsis from Goodreads) Writer: Stan Lee Illustrator: Steve Ditko Published: December 01, 1961 Amazing Adult Fantasy (1961) #7 is a collection of five short thrillers—Why Won't They Believe Me, The Last Man on Earth, Witch Hunt, Journey's End, and The... Continue Reading →

Comic Review: Incredible Hulk (1962) #1

Incredible Hulk (1962) #1 Witness the birth of the Jade Giant! The Hulk is the strangest man alive. Is he man or monster...or both? (Synopsis from Writer: Stan Lee Illustrator: Jack Kirby Published: May 1, 1962 Incredible Hulk (1962) #1 was the first appearance of Dr. Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk. It is so... Continue Reading →

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